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Friday, June 07, 2024
Divine Competes at EMRA Round 3

Aeziah Divine was in action at Mallory Park Circuit at East Midland Racing Association (EMRA) Round 3, getting back to work and having some fun with the team. Divine said, “We’re making good progress and my feelings on the bike are improving step by step.”

GP 80-450 Class

Divine continued, “The setup wasn’t quite right for the first session of the day (Qualifying) but I was progressively getting faster and more comfortable. l was just off my Personal Best time by the end of the session and qualified in the 9th position.

We bled and adjusted the front brakes for race 1 so I felt much better under braking. I had a strong start and some really good battles with Round 1’s and Sportbikes towards the front. Unfortunately, on the last lap, I was held up by some back markers and lost my position in the chicane, ending in 11th (5th in the GP 125-450 category).

We started race 2 from the back of the grid after not getting out in time. I started the 29th position so it was the perfect session to make lots of passes and get comfortable pushing forward through the group. My best time was 59.528, less than 2 seconds off the leader’s best lap, and I ended in 11th.”

Open 500 Class

Divine said, “In this class, the riders were a lot faster as they were all on more powerful bikes so it was quite hard to stick with them but I felt much better after working on my braking markers in the prior session, I qualified in the 13th position.

I was very happy to drop 2 full seconds off my Personal Best in Race 1 after feeling better with the brakes, putting me in the 0:58s and 10th with a best lap-time that was just outside the top 5’s best lap times.

The final race started off great! I was right behind the leading group in 6th and hit another 58-second lap by lap 2.

Unfortunately, I was carrying too much speed around turn 1 and lost the front at high speed on the exit. Really sorry to the team for the mistake and ending my race prematurely.”
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